Post Subject: I'M MEGA COOL RN!!!!
YOU GUYS ARE NOT. GONNA. FRIKIN. BELIEVE THIS!!!! >:3 I got this SUPER COOL JOB!! You're not even gonna believe whO IM WORKING FOR!! See, theres these AWESOME robot guys who just finished construction here in Town! ROBOTS!!! They have these big awesome suits and there's so many kinds of them! U know I was freakin out when I heard the news XD. But you know me, I GOTTA KEEP MY COOL AROUND THEM... So earlier 2day I went to their big ol building and i was mindblown.... the place is so... BIG!! made me go :O. but then i noticed a lil paper on the wall in their awesome breakroom... "Need Engineers, open for hire." is what it said... I ALMOST SCREAMED!!!!! I mean im... not a builder... but IM WILLING TO LEARN ANYTHING IF IT MEANS I GET TO HANG OUT WITH COOL ROBOTS. I applied obv becuz robots r the best... I have only been home for like... 3 hours and I got an email ALREADY!! THEY SAY THEY'LL WANT AN INTERVIEW WITH ME AND UNLESS I AM BAD ON THE INTERVIEW... I AM HIRED! okay maybe im nooooooot technically hired yet... BUT I THINK I CAN DO IT! will keep updated when i have my epik job, byyyyeee! :3
HI GUYSSSS!!!! Guess who just got done with that interview with those cool robot people :3?! I met with these two robots called the Chairman and the VP! They were both super cool and they seem nice :). Tho..... I am a bit nervous..... I haven't gotten my results back yet becuz the robots say they wanna think about it first... what if im not hired?! :< if im not hired i won't get to spend time with them... but im not too worried!!! I can't be too nervous cuz 2nite im going to meet this really cute girl i met a little bit ago... she says she's interested in meeting me and TONIGHT ME AND HER ARE GOING OUT TO A RESTAURANT!!!!! :D Im so excited...... wish me luck, even tho i know i don't have that many followers..! i will update with a new post when i get home... who knows!!! I may even get an email from that robot business!!! ^-^ oki well i better get going!!! I hav to pick out my CUTEST clothes.... I gotta look my best tonight :3 later!!
Post Subject: IT WAS A SUCCESS!!! :D
GUYS!!!! I'm back... the dinner with this girl was A SUCCESS!! SHE SEEMS LIKE SHE'S TOTALLY MY TYPE!!!!!!! I'm so sos so soso HAPPY!....... I mean I was too afraid to... like... say I liked her... BUT SHE SAYS SHE DEFINITELY WANTS TO HANG OUT IN THE FUTURE!!! I HAVE SO MANY CHANCES NOW!!! ://3 I also liek... just checked my email... and ur all NOT GONNA BELIEV THIS!! but... I GOT ACCEPTED IN WORKING WITH THOSE ROBOTS!!!! THEY SAY IM AN OFFICIAL ENGINEER NOW!! ohmygod im just so... freaking... HAPPY... everything is going so right for me!! I met a girl I rly like... I got my first ever job with freaking robots of all people... LIFE IS SO GOOD!!! I LOVE MY LIFE SO MUCH RN!!!!!!!!!
pic of me and the girl that i took :3
Post Subject: First Day!
well... TODAY. IS. THE. DAY! It's my first day on the job, I'm actually sitting in the lobby rn waiting for somebody to give me directions! I was told in da email that VP will be giving me things to do.... :DDD IM SO EXCITED!!! but i am typing SUPER DUPER FAST SO I CAN GET THIS POST OUT RN ROFL!! also apparently like... these robots are called... cogs or smthn... I JUST LEARNED THIS, HOW AM I SO DUMMY?!?!?! LOL! it is a cool name tho :3. im so excited to start building super pretty things for cogs!!! i looked at so many youtube videos on how to build good so i think im good XD. IM BEING CALLED UP NOW I GTG BYEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Post Subject: Super duper tired XD
wow... today's work was a pretty big success. i got paid a lot today already... but im SO tired. tonight's post won't be super long but i'll say the 2 big thingies that happened today, 1 for work and 1 for outside of work :3. today at work i met the head of bossbots! he's called the ceo... and he's SUPER DUPER tall, its almost a little scary but I SHOULDN'T JUDGE A BOOK BY IT'S COVER... :> ceo wasn't too talkative... he was sort of quiet and vp told me to not bother him... but ceo himself seemed to have at least a bit of interest in me which is cool. the other thing that happened today was... well.. that girl i had mentioned in previous posts asked me through text if i wanted to date her! i ofc said yes and im just... super happy about that, i just dunno how to express how happi i am rn cuz im so tired XD. im so happy that me and her are 2gether now... me and her are talking a little bit about going on some official dates rn b4 i go 2 bed... yaaaaawn who would've thought building for robots would be so tiring XD. lol i am only jk... wait i just realized this post is actually kinda long now rofl!
Post Subject: Sorry :<
I am super duper sorry I haven't been posting for a little while :< work has been keeping me super duper busy with very little time to take a break... and in my free time im hanging out with my gf.. well, life is worth living, so im not too worried about being super active here rn. will try posting sometime in the future :3
Post Subject: Confusion
Does anyone who see this sometimes have that feeling that... something isn't quite right after you've been so excited about it? Coz I'm feeling like that rn and idk how to respond. :(
Post Subject: Context 4 Last Post
Ok I guess I should actually give some context... The cogs, the robot guys who I work for are just seeming a bit off to me. Lately around town and around my neighborhood I've been seeing a lot of new Cog buildings pop up... Just recently my gf and I's favorite restaurant got replaced with one of these buildings... And it feels like the area is getting a lot more polluted. I can't even keep my flower garden alive anymore despite how hard I try.. and it makes me rly sad. I sort of tried bringing this up to the Chairman but... he didn't really care and told me to keep doing good work and to not worry about it... But I AM worried about it, y'know? A lot of people in my neighborhood are moving out and I'm feeling sad... Even my gf says she thinks there's something not right with the Cogs... Idk, maybe I'll get some actual proof of this tomorrow, it's rly dark outside rn and I should sleep..
Post Subject: Got a pic
I got a pretty good pic supporting what I said in my last post. Look at how gray and dark the sky is... it's rly sad to me. :(
Sorry the image is kinda blurry. :/
Post Subject: I made a decision
Well, I'll just say it right away... I quit working for the Cogs. my gf and I were talking and I just finally decided that... I shouldn't work for the Cogs. Even though I was so excited for it, I don't think I'm comfortable working with a business that seems so shady. I've been really exhausted working with them too... I told this to the Chairman directly and he seemed to understand. At least he wasn't mad at me, at least I hope... But hey, now I can find a more fun place to work and I can spend more time with my gf. Though... I am still a bit sad, because it feels like the Cogs won't be slowing down in taking over our town.
Post Subject: Sad thing happened
Today another one of my neighbors moved out. It was one of my good friends. I don't know how to feel.
Post Subject: Brains are weird
Today I felt just overwhelming sadness all day. I didn't want to leave my bed. If it weren't for my gf taking me out today I would still be in bed.
Post Subject: Thinking
I don't feel motivated at all to draw anymore. All I want to do is text my gf and lay down all day. Though today I did go visit the main Cog building to say hi to some of the other friends I made there... A lot of Cogs seemed to be interested in talking to me. A bit weird, but they were nice I guess.
Post Subject: I don't want her to worry
Gf asked me if something was wrong today, that I had been really distant and sad lately. I don't want to burden her with my stupid feelings, even if her assumptions are true. I went to the building again today. More Cogs talked to me.
Post Subject: Useless
I still can't find a job I'd like. A lot of the good businesses I was considering have shut down... There's only cog buildings where they once were. I must be useless.
Post Subject: Something happened
Today I received a letter in the mail... It was to me from the Cogs. The CEO in specific. The letter was a long one but it was basically requesting me to meet him and the Big Cheese at their Inquiry.. I guess I'll go see what the CEO wants, could give me an excuse to get up and moving a little bit again. Though... I have no idea of what he'd want from me. Will update with a post after the meeting.
Post Subject: Maybe I'm wrong
Well... The meeting happened. The CEO mostly just met with me to ask me questions about myself... I don't really get it. But... The CEO and the Big Cheese were both nice to me. I admit, it helped me feel a little bit better. I didn't expect them to be as welcoming or kind as they were... Maybe I was wrong about how shady Cogs were? I mean... Whenever I've visited ever since I quit being an Engineer... Every Cog I've come across has been nice to me. When I was an Engineer they just ignored me. Maybe... They're not bad. Maybe I'm just overthinking.
Post Subject: Happy
With a bit of thinking... I think it'd be best to pull myself out of my pit of despair... I'm going to watch my favorite show tonight. I deserve it, I think it could help me feel a bit better. :)
End of Posts - Last Post Date: 04/05/2022